Warning Symptoms that Indicate a UTI
Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is a common problem, especially among women. The condition causes a burning pain and itchiness, especially when urinating. It needs immediate medical attention because if neglected it can lead to complications in the kidneys. Read on to know about the early warning signs of UTI so as to diagnose the condition in time. 1. Cloudy or bloody urine One of the early warning signs of UTI is that your urine might be cloudy and darker than usual. Dark urine can also be due to dehydration, but when it is accompanied by pelvic pain, it is a sign of UTI. Bloody urine, especially, warrants immediate attention by a doctor. 2. Frequent need to urinate UTI will make you feel like urinating frequently. You could even feel the urge to urinate a few minutes after going to the washroom. This is due to inflammation in the bladder and urethra that exerts pressure on the receptors that signal that you need to pee. So, if you feel the urge to urinate more often drastically, it could be a sign of a UTI. 3. Small amounts of urine Even with the constant urge to pee, you might urinate only a small amount each time.