U.S. Cities to Avoid With Eczema
Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that affects both adults and children. The common sign of flaky or dry patches of skin mostly occurs on the arms, legs, face, and back. The condition can be triggered due to exposure to certain chemicals. Pollen and changes in climate could also be triggers for it. Hence, listed below are a few of the worst U.S. cities to live in with eczema.
1. Las Vegas, Nevada
This city, located at about 2,030 feet above sea level has a hot, dry climate that can be a trigger for skin conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema. According to some reports, the city also has the highest percentage of nicotine-users in the country. Smoke from nicotine contains many harmful chemicals that damage the skin and can make the symptoms of eczema more severe. Hence, Sin City is on the list of the worst U.S. cities to live in with eczema.
2. Phoenix, Arizona
The next on the list is Phoenix, Arizona, also because of the extreme levels of sun it receives and the number of high-ozone days it experiences. The dry, arid weather here lacks moisture as well, which results in dry, flaky, and itchy skin.
3. San Diego, California
Hot, dry, and sunny weather, which is perfect for a vacation, being there all-year-round, is what triggers the symptoms of eczema or makes the condition more severe. Sweating or spending too much time outdoors in this city can cause a flare-up of symptoms of various skin conditions, adding it to the list of the worst U.S. cities to live in with eczema.
4. Los Angeles, California
This city’s location, surrounded by mountains, is what makes it bad for conditions such as eczema. As with the never-ceasing traffic on the freeway, pollutants are trapped in the basin in which the city is located. These pollutants can make the skin dry and flaky, making one vulnerable to various skin conditions.
5. Denver, Colorado
It’s not just places that experience hot weather that are bad for people with eczema and other skin conditions. Places or cities such as Denver, Colorado that have very cold winters can also be detrimental for people with the skin disease. The cold, dry air can increase the severity of flaking and itching of skin.
These are some of the worst U.S. cities to live in with eczema and other skin conditions. So, if you have been diagnosed with a skin condition and medications and treatments have been unsuccessful in providing relief, it could be that the climate and weather of the place that you live in are aggravating your symptoms. If moving to a place more conducive to better skin is impossible, you can invest in stronger moisturizers and include certain lifestyle changes to manage the condition better.