Tips for Safely Baby-Proofing a Vehicle
Baby-proofing your car is an absolute necessity and no compromise should be entertained in this area. Most new parents do their due diligence to babyproof homes before bringing home a new baby, but many forget this safety should also extend to the car. Annually in the U.S. thousands of children are put at risk of vehicular injury, heat stroke, and even death because of lacking car safety.
Here are some simple ways to baby-proof your car:
1. Find a baby seat
One of the most important ways to baby-proof the car is to find the right car seat: one that will fit your baby snugly, one that is durable, and easy to install and uninstall. Ensure that the child or the baby never travel in the front of the car, especially if the car comes equipped with airbags.
2. No toy zone
While it is quite tempting to take toys while traveling in order to keep the children occupied, it is generally suggested that toys in the car are a no-no. If you wouldn’t like getting hit in the head by a toy, the rule is don’t take it in the car. In the event of a crash, these toys can become mini projectiles and can cause serious harm. This is true of anything heavy that you carry in the car. Ensure that everything can be locked in the trunk. Also, avoid storing any cleaning products, toxic chemicals, pens and coins in the car within reach of the child.
3. Child proof locks
Another way to baby-proof your car is to use child safety locks on car doors. This way, the baby cannot accidentally open the car doors and no one gets out of the car unless it is safe to do so. Equally important are window locks. The child could pinch his or her fingers in the windows or end up throwing something out of the car.
4. Never leave a child unattended
One of the most important things to remember is to never leave the child alone in the car, no matter how short the duration or how good the excuse for it. Even with the engine running, cars tend to heat up fast or cool down fast and this poses a real danger for the baby. But more than the temperature, it is the very real possibility of the child accidentally or intentionally unbuckling himself or herself when the key is still in the ignition. If the child can get to the front and the doors do not have a child safety lock either, then there is the very real threat of strangers finding your child in the car. Before opening and closing car doors and windows, check to see where the child is, especially if the child had been left to move around in the car freely prior to that.
5. Emergency supplies are a must
Always keep some emergency supplies for the baby in the car. This is for the good of the baby and the car. Some of the products you could stock are baby food, baby wipes, baby medicine, a baby bottle, and a bowl.
6. Sun protection
When the car is moving, ensure that your child is not exposed to direct sunlight. Move them or use a window screen if possible.
7. No smoking
One of the more important rules you could impose on yourself and others for the sake of the baby is to make the car a no smoking zone. It also helps prevent possible fire hazards.