Common Foods That Trigger Breathing Issues
Eating healthy is essential for a balanced life. And when a person is suffering from any illness, finding a nutritious diet becomes more important. For those who have trouble breathing, certain foods can trigger symptom flare-ups. It is necessary to know about the top foods that cause breathing difficulties and avoid them for a healthy life.
1. Cold cuts
Most cured meats, such as ham, bacon, hotdogs, etc. contain additives called nitrates. These additives are often added to increase the shelf life of products. According to a study, these nitrates can increase the risk of COPD, a breathing disorder. Consequently, it is not at all recommended for people with breathing problems.
2. Excessive salt
A huge quantity of salt added to dishes can be a problem. This is because salt can make people retain water, and excess water can lead to breathing troubles. Instead of salt, you must try to replace it with spices and herbs to enhance the food flavor.
3. Dairy products
Dairy products are among the top foods that cause breathing difficulties in people. While milk is considered highly nutritious and full of calcium, it also contains casomorphin, which increases the amount of mucus in the intestines. This increase in mucus can cause a plethora of breathing problems. So, dairy products must be avoided or consumed in moderation to prevent breathing problems.
4. Fried foods
Fried foods can often cause gas and bloating in people. They push the diaphragm, making it uncomfortable to breathe. Also, too much fried food can lead to weight gain, increasing the pressure on the lungs. These foods are full of unhealthy fats that raise cholesterol levels and increase the likelihood of heart-related problems. So, to ensure overall health and keep the symptoms of breathing disorders at bay, you must avoid consuming fried foods.
5. Cruciferous vegetables
This is one of the top foods that cause breathing difficulties . Like fried foods, these vegetables, too, make it difficult for people to breathe. They can cause gas and bloating that further aggravates the breathing problems. So try to limit the intake of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, radish, and cauliflower.
6. Acidic foods and drinks
Too many acidic foods and drinks can lead to heartburn in people. It can also be a prompting factor for gastrointestinal acid reflux (GERD). People with lung disease may feel that acid reflux increases their symptoms. So, these foods must be avoided for maintaining optimal health. Most common acidic foods and drinks include fruit juice, coffee, tomato sauce, and spicy foods.
7. Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages are filled with sugar, carbonation, and unneeded calories. They can lead to increased weight and bloating and also contribute to dehydration.
Knowing about the top foods that cause breathing difficulties is essential to avoid sudden flare-ups. You can also consult with your doctor to formulate a healthy diet chart that suits your condition.