7 Early Signs of Ovarian Cancer

7 Early Signs of Ovarian Cancer

Most ovarian cancers start in the fallopian tubes and move to the ovaries. The condition can cause many signs and symptoms that usually show when the cancer has spread. However, certain symptoms are evident during the early stages as well. If ovarian cancer is not detected early on, then it may spread to the abdomen and pelvis, making treatment difficult. Here are some symptoms of ovarian cancer that one should watch out for:

1. Bloating
If one feels bloated most of the time, then it can be due to ovarian cancer. According to experts, bloating can take place because of a condition called ascites. In this, fluid builds up in the abdomen when cancer cells spread to the lining of the stomach and cause it irritation.

2. Pain and pressure
If one feels frequent pain and pressure in the abdomen and pelvic area, then ovarian cancer could be the reason. The intensity and frequency of the pain increases when the cancer progresses. In the later stages of the condition, pain and pressure are the main symptoms.

3. Reduced appetite
Having trouble eating and feeling full too soon are two common symptoms of ovarian cancer. If one feels full even after eating little or experiences heartburn, nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain, then they should get themselves tested for ovarian cancer. Unexplained weight loss is also a common sign.

4. Constipation or diarrhea
Changes in bowel movements, such as constipation and diarrhea, could be signs of ovarian cancer. They may occur due to the pressure exerted from the buildup of fluid, or because of the harmful cells that may have spread to the colon.

5. Frequent need to urinate
This, like almost all the other symptoms, occurs due to the cancer or mass in the abdominal area pressing against the bladder and surrounding organs. While frequent urination can also be due to increased water intake and conditions like diabetes, it is crucial to pay attention to this sign if one experiences bloating, loss of appetite, and pelvic pain.

6. Menstrual irregularities
Menstrual irregularities are also a symptom of ovarian cancer if one is experiencing them along with other symptoms. Irregular periods can also be caused due to stress, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, strenuous exercises, or low body fat.

7. Dermatomyositis
This is one of the rare symptoms of ovarian cancer. Dermatomyositis is a long-term inflammatory disorder that causes a distinctive skin rash and weakens muscles over time. This condition may occur suddenly or develop over months. A study concludes that around 8.3 percent of patients with dermatomyositis were affected by ovarian cancer.

These are some symptoms of ovarian cancer that one should not ignore. To understand if the symptoms are an indicator of something serious, it is important to visit a trained medical specialist without delay. Timely diagnosis and the right treatment will help counter or manage the condition successfully.