7 Foods to Avoid for Arthritis Patients

7 Foods to Avoid for Arthritis Patients

Arthritis starts as mild pain in the joints but might eventually lead to the inability to move. It is a condition that cannot be cured, but with the advancements in healthcare, one can manage the pain and keep the symptoms under control. Also, avoiding some of the worst foods for arthritis could be beneficial. Accordingly, this article discusses seven foods arthritis patients must avoid.

1. Wheat and gluten-rich grains
Found mostly in wheat, wheat products, rye, and more, gluten is one of the most common allergens. A healthy body might not exhibit severe reactions to gluten consumption in many cases. But people with arthritis might notice the worsening of joint inflammation when they consume this ingredient.

2. Alcohol
Quitting alcohol and other unhealthy lifestyle habits can have a positive impact on arthritis patients. Among the many types of arthritis, inflammatory arthritis is affected by alcohol consumption the most. If the patient has already been diagnosed with gout, alcohol can result in recurrence of the same.

3. Sugary foods
There are many ways in which added sugars can worsen arthritis pain. Therefore, people in the high-risk category should avoid added sugar in their diet. This could be an ingredient of various packaged food items such as beverages and juices.

4. Foods high in salt
Like sugar, salt consumption should also be controlled by patients with severe arthritis. One must make sure their daily salt consumption doesn’t exceed the healthy limits. Reducing salt in the diet can also result in an improvement or alleviation of joint pain.

5. High saturated fats
Including healthy fats and removing bad ones from the diet can help relieve arthritis symptoms. Trans and saturated fats are the two main kinds of unhealthy fats, and should be avoided. Omega-3 fatty acids should be added in healthy proportions, omega-6 fats should be reduced. With this, it is possible to manage cholesterol levels and keep the joints healthy.

6. Vegetables that contain solanine
This is a compound found in vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant. Limiting the regular intake of these vegetables can help arthritis patients manage their pain more efficiently. These vegetables are commonly called nightshades and are considered to be some of the worst foods for arthritis.

7. Processed foods
Processed or packaged food items are unhealthy, especially for arthritis patients, as they can lead to increased pain in the joints. People who make unhealthy diet choices also increase their risk of rheumatoid arthritis. These are harmful mainly because of the sugar content and the presence of preservatives and other unhealthy additives.

Consuming a healthy diet and eliminating these worst foods for arthritis is the easiest way to avoid triggers. It can also help to manage arthritis pain and reduce the severity of symptoms.