5 Natural Remedies to Reduce Gout Flare-ups

5 Natural Remedies to Reduce Gout Flare-ups

Gout, a type of arthritis, is caused due to the build-up of uric acid in the blood. Listed below are some natural remedies for gout. You can try to get relief from the discomfort and pain that this condition causes. However, before you try any remedies or home treatments for gout, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

1. Hot and cold compress
One of the natural remedies for gout and other similar conditions that cause joint pain and inflammation is to apply a hot or cold compress. Soaking the affected area in cold water is often recommended and is also considered to be very effective. You can also use ice packs. When the joint inflammation is very severe, you can soak the affected area in hot water. Alternating the use of a hot and cold compress can also be very beneficial in providing relief from the symptoms of gout.

2. Drinking plenty of water
This is essential for the proper functioning of the kidneys, which is necessary to eliminate uric acid from the body and prevent gout attacks. In addition to water, you can drink other fluids such juices but avoid those that have lots of sugar. Also, avoid or limit your intake of alcohol.

3. Diet
There are quite a few health conditions that can be prevented from flaring up by avoiding a few foods known as trigger foods. Hence, as one of the natural remedies for gout, avoiding red meat, sugar, alcohol, and seafood can help to prevent flare-ups or the worsening of symptoms. Opt for vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and low-fat dairy products. Also, choose to consume fruits that have a low sugar content as those with high fructose, a type of sugar found in fruits, can trigger gout symptoms.

4. Increase your intake of magnesium-rich foods
According to a study conducted in 2015, magnesium can help to control and manage the amount of uric acid in the body, thus, lowering the risk of a gout attack. Hence, increasing your intake of nuts, legumes, and tofu could be beneficial. You can also check with your doctor about taking magnesium supplements. You can also try soaking in a bath of Epsom salts, which is high in magnesium. However, studies have shown that magnesium cannot be properly absorbed through the skin to provide health benefits. However, soaking in a warm bath would relieve pain and inflammation.

5. Cherries
According to a survey conducted in 2016, cherries of any color and in any form are one of the most successful natural remedies for gout. Two more studies conducted in 2012 also proved the effectiveness of cherries in relieving gout symptoms. Three servings of cherries in any form for two days is considered to be the most effective.

You can try these natural remedies for gout easily at home. However, if your pain is intense or sudden, you should contact your doctor.